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DEAR BROTHER AND SISTER RUSSELL:—I wrote you some time ago that I had commenced to hold meetings in the house of a poor widow who was in great trouble. She seems to be much comforted, and is eager for the truth.

I was much encouraged recently to learn that two to whom I had spoken two years ago followed up the subject and have become deeply interested. Glory to His name! It seems wonderful to find undeniable evidence that the Lord has blessed one's feeble efforts. Another lady to whom I talked tells me that she has read the three volumes and uses the TOWER explanations of the S.S. Lessons in the Sunday School. I am kept very busy. I held four meetings last Sunday, three of them with an audience of one, the other with an audience of three. It would save much trouble if I could get the people to meet all together, but so far I have not been able to do so. Therefore, in order that they may hear the truth of God's plan I go to them. Three of them are old ladies from 50 to 60 years, one of whom has been bedridden. I sometimes think that if we could perform miracles, as the disciples did, we could then get many followers, if we could make the lame to walk, etc. But it seems that such is not the plan of God for these days.

I know that my poor efforts have slow results some times, but I recall the words of St. Paul, not to look back, but to press forward to the prize which is in Christ Jesus. The Lord is so good to allow the light to shine even here on me; and if it is his divine will, I would like that its rays should reach those to whom he leads me to speak of the precious truth.

Bidding you Godspeed, Respectfully, Mrs. A. A.

[This dear co-laborer has caught the right idea. An audience of one is not to be spurned by us, who follow in the footsteps of him who was pleased to serve the lone Samaritan woman; and, if we despise not the day of small things, he will not only bless us for our humility and warmth [R1974 : page 100] of zeal, but also those whom we serve, and finally grant us still larger opportunities for service. The spirit that will search out the poor and aged and afflicted, in order to comfort them with the glad tidings, is the spirit of Christ. He "went about doing good;...for God was with him."—Ed.]


S. Dakota.

DEAR SIR AND BROTHER:—I do not wish to intrude upon your time, but judging your heart to be something like mine, I trust good news will be no intrusion.

The Master has very graciously and lovingly been leading me for the past two years. I used to like Christ, felt very grateful to him for forgiving my sins and for the peace I even then felt, and was willing to do a great many things for him. Now I think I can truly say I love him with all my being; and what a wonderful change has come over my whole life! Truly, he is the one altogether lovely.

I have been a member of the Methodist denomination for a long time, but probably by the time this reaches you I will be no longer. I also have a Bible class in the Sunday school; but last week I received a letter from the pastor stating that my class was becoming annoyed at my persistence in teaching doctrines of Adventism (?), and giving interpretations to passages which according to Methodist doctrine were unscriptural, and requesting that I desist.

I had determined upon the withdrawal some time ago and asked for guidance as to the best way to do it. And the Master seems to have opened the way much more effectively than I could have done. The letter referred to was in reply to one of mine to the pastor setting forth God's dealing with men as I understood it.

A number in the city are much interested in the DAWN. What the next step will be I do not yet know; but he who has opened one door can certainly open another. So I have no fear, my only anxiety being that I may be willing to take the next step when it is made plain.—Phil. 3:14-15.

[A later letter says:—] I have your very kind favor, also the DAWN and tracts. The five volumes are already gone. Enclosed find order for more.

The Father, Christ and Heaven all look so much more glorious and lovely as I get some of the cobwebs of tradition and creeds cleared from the picture, that I want to help clear them from before the eyes of others.

The many ways the Lord has taken to open my eyes, seemingly so adapted to just my peculiar needs, would take too long to mention, but to me they are so manifestly from him that I cannot doubt. Suffice it to say, so far as I know my own heart and mind, everything has been laid upon the altar, and as fast as new light comes to show me more, I receive it very thankfully, and lay that also upon the altar.

I appreciate very much your personal prayers for me and mine, and I am glad to be able to ask the Father daily that his favor and spirit may be granted you and yours, that you may be able and willing to do his will completely.

Yours in Christian fellowship, W. E. V.