A little talk with Jesus,
How it smoothes the rugged road!
How it seems to help me onward,
When I faint beneath my load!
When my heart is crushed with sorrow,
And my eyes with tears are dim,
There is naught can yield me comfort
Like a little talk with Him.
I tell him I am weary,
And I fain would be at rest;
But I still will wait his bidding,
For his way is always best.
Then his promise ever cheers me
'Mid all the cares of life:
"I am coming soon in glory
To end thy toil and strife."
Ah, that is what I am wanting,
His lovely face to see
And, I'm not afraid to say it,
I know he's wanting me.
He gave his life a ransom
To make me all his own,
And he'll ne'er forget his promise
To me, his purchased one.
The way is sometimes weary
To yonder nearing clime,
But a little talk with Jesus
Has helped me many a time.
The more I come to know him,
And all his grace explore,
It sets me ever longing
To know him more and more.