The condition of the Jews in Germany has long been one of exceptional honor and influence, and "In no country have they supplied such a large number of leading scholars, poets, judges, administrative officials, and politicians." But the old jealousy, which in the middle ages brought such terrible cruelties upon them, alike in Germany as elsewhere, seems still to exist, and has of late begun to manifest itself in the formation of "Anti-Semitic Leagues" in Berlin and elsewhere. The movement is said to have originated in certain discourses of the Court Chaplain, Dr. Stocker. The Emperor has been appealed to, and is said to have expressly commanded his Chaplain "to discontinue his effusions." The president of an Anti-Jewish Society started in Dresden "desires that the Jews be deprived of their political and social rights and privileges, and that the German government should purchase, or otherwise obtain possession of, Palestine, in order to force the Jews of Germany to emigrate en masse to the Holy Land."Glasgow Messenger.