[R1037 : page 1]


By the name Colporteurs, we designate those noble Brethren and Sisters, who leaving other pursuits, and other forms of ministry, are devoting all their time to spreading the truth, in that form which has been most successful—namely selling the paper bound edition of MILLENNIAL DAWN Vol. I. To enable this work to go on largely, it was found necessary to reduce the price of the book to the popular price of 25cts. per copy—for any quantity.

In order to provide for the expenses of these Colporteurs an allowance of 10cts. per copy was made to them as "expense money" from the TOWER TRACT FUND. (A general fund consisting of voluntary donations of those who have themselves been blessed by the truth, for the spread of the same in any and every way). And this allowance or discount of 10cts. for expense was afterward extended to others who do not and cannot give all their time to this kind of preaching but who give some one day each week or an hour or so each day; and also to some whose special opportunities are favorable to loaning and giving away the books, but not for selling.

Experience has proved that many of those who give all their time to the work and depend on the expense money entirely, cannot make it meet all their expenses of travel, lodging, clothing, food, etc. Some, very desirous of rendering this service of the truth and who tried it, have been obliged, in order to "provide things honest in the sight of all," to go at other work on this account and give but the fragments of their time, instead of all, to the work with which their hearts are filled. For this reason the TRACT SOCIETY has decided to hereafter allow all those Colporteurs (who are devoting all of their time to the work) to have 12-1/2cts. per copy, but others not devoting all their time, 15cts. per copy. These special terms are however restricted to such persons as are subscribers to Z.W. TOWER, as it costs us extra postage to all who are not subscribers.

We trust that this arrangement will enable a larger number than ever to give all their time in the work. The harvest is truly great, but the laborers are comparatively few. While praying the Lord of the harvest for more laborers, let us all do with our might what our hands find to do.
