The New Bedford (Mass.) Standard says:
"Charles T. Russell, editor of ZION'S WATCH TOWER, and author of several volumes of theological writings, five of which are included in his MILLENNIAL DAWN series, has issued a new volume of Bible study, The At-one-ment Between God and Man. Mr. Russell clings close to the Bible, as he interprets it, and endeavors to offset the theory of the evolutionists that, as no fall occurred, no redemption and atonement are necessary, by teaching the cross of Christ."
The Jacksonville (Fla.) Times Union Citizen says:
"In this neat volume of five hundred pages we have a most reverent treatment of profound subjects, respecting which many Christians have wondered and prayed, in a clear and lucid style which even a child may understand. The author's loyalty to the Bible is pronounced and inspiring, and we do not wonder that some have denominated his books Bible Keys. In the volume under review the author examines his subjects from both the human and the divine standpointsthe necessity for atonement on man's part, and why it is demanded on God's part, and then what are its grand possibilities for all the race of Adam'Whosoever will.' The writer's scope embraces the doctrine of the divine trinity."
The Worcester (Mass.) Evening Post says:
"Among the most notable of the recent works on religious subjects is a publication from the press of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Allegheny, Pa., The At-one-ment Between God and Man. The book is one that treats of theological subjects in an entirely new and decidedly attractive manner. It advances no new dogmas nor seeks to combat old ones in any but a spirit of truth seeking. It makes plain in a particularly clear and helpful light many things that have heretofore puzzled students of the Bible and Biblical lore. It teaches the universal fatherhood of God and teems with the expression of his loving kindness for the creatures he has made. At the same time it is a text book of theological science and dissects its truths and principles in a logical and reasonable, yet reverent manner.
"No single chapter of any recent book is more notable than the section of this work which deals with the ever-confusing mystery of the divine trinity. It must be said that a more convincing explanation of this axiomatic doctrine of theology has never yet presented itself, yet it is strictly along the lines of orthodox thought. The general effect of the book on the average reader who seeks for light on the subjects that to him have dark meaning, is most gratifying. It quickens faith and makes strong hopes that are dear to every serious and thinking mind. [R2552 : page 287] The tone of the book is reverent and wholesome, and it seems destined to bring happiness to many a doubt-laden heart."
The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Herald says:
"Pastor Russell's new book, The At-one-ment Between God and Man, is of the sort that awakens Christians to do some thinking along theological lines. It is one of those 'epoch-making books' destined to influence thought not merely for the hour of their perusal, but for lifeand for centuries. The book will make its author foes as well as friends, for there are people ready to fight for their dogmas, however unscriptural and unreasonable. However, many thinking Christian people, who hold to the Bible as the inspired Word of God and who have all their lives been troubled in their endeavors to harmonize it with their consciences and with facts, will surely welcome this volume as 'a helping hand,' and praise God for the light it sheds on many subjects hitherto dark to all except theologians and possibly to many of them also. One thing is certain, and that is that every lover of the Bible must admire the author's loyalty to the Scriptures and his reverential style of dealing with church dogmas, which he rejects as being contrary to the divine Word, character and plan."
The New Haven (Conn.) Courier Journal says:
"The reverential spirit of the work, its earnestness, its clearness of statement, impress the reader. It is a strong, forcible and logical setting forth of the doctrine of atonement for sin through Christ, the Mediator, and of the orthodox Christian belief in general regarding the great foundation of the Christian faith and scope of salvation. It is a work that appeals to all on a subject of such paramount importance."
"The title explains the object of the book. The author, as is usual with him, fortifies his opinions and assertions by a close adherence to the Scriptures. He writes with great enthusiasm and with an apparent sense of strong conviction, and the book will be of considerable aid to those who find occasion to study the points treated."
The Syracuse (N.Y.) Herald says:
"Mr. Russell is an able as well as an exceedingly voluminous writer on religious questions. The present bulky volume is the fifth of a series of books under the general title of MILLENNIAL DAWN. It discusses the fall of man, the penalty or curse upon him, his redemption and the terms of his 'At-one-ment.' It undertakes to explain the perplexing doctrine of the trinity and to render it simple and reasonable. The author is loyal to the Scriptures, but not always to church dogmas, which he deals with according to their agreement with the divine Word. All Bible-students will find matter for thought in Mr. Russell's writings."
The Indianapolis (Ind.) Sentinel says:
"This book is sublimely comprehensive, and unquestionably its treatment will be pronounced a masterly one by many Bible students. 'The fear of the Lord is the only fear in evidence in this volume; but altho 'traditions of men' are treated fearlessly, they are kindly handled, and even partisan sticklers for exploded errors must concede the author's Christian spirit and courtesy, while all must admit his honesty, and his fidelity to the Scriptures. If human creeds suffer, it is in the interest of the Bible, which the author accepts as his only creed, in the interest also of love and justice and Christian common senseall important considerations as against nonsense of the 'dark ages,' often mislabeled 'orthodoxy.'
"After reading this book and comparing its numerous Bible citations, intelligent Christians will often say to themselves: Where have I been? What have I been thinking of? What poor use have I made of my Bible and my reason for years that I did not see the beauty, harmony and reasonableness of the divine Word! But the author lays no claim to superior ability or inspiration, merely claiming that God has a 'due time' for everything, and that now is God's due time for shedding light upon his Word in the interest of all his faithful people, and his aspiration is to be a humble servant of the Lord's flock, dispensing to them the 'meat in due season.'"
The St. Louis Christian Advocate says:
"Concerning this volume, a recent reviewer has said: 'Pastor Russell's new book, The At-one-ment Between God and Man, is remarkable in fact, if not in its title. It is sure to make a stir among the dry bones of fossilized orthodoxy, as well as amongst the higher critics. Not that it is agnosticfor it is decidedly Biblical; nor that it is bitter and drastic and cutting toward those theories of the dark ages which have barnacled the good ship Zionfor it handles them gently, courteously, tho thoroughly. Its strength lies in the gentle persistence with which the writer uses his Biblical dynamics.'"
The New York Merchants' Review says:
"A NOTABLE WORK.A hell of fire and brimstone has no place in the belief of some intelligent Christians, man's folly and wickedness providing hell enough on earth, according to their views of the matter, but Pastor Charles T. Russell, in The At-one-ment Between God and Man, of the MILLENNIAL DAWN series, presents many arguments to show that hell, sheol or hades, has no existence at all as a place of punishment, the word in its different forms meaning simply the sleep which the human race passes into, to be awakened from at Christ's second coming.
"His arguments are based upon copious texts from Scripture, as also is his attempt to prove that the orthodox view of the holy trinity has no foundation in the Bible. The Scriptures, and nothing but the Scriptures, are the guide of the author in his search for the truth in the various problems examined by him in his interesting book, and naturally he opposes 'Evolution.'"
The St. Albans (Vt.) Daily Messenger says:
"This volume, like all others from this writer, differs from other theological writings in several particulars. (1) It is simple in style, easily understood by any Christianmaking abstruse subjects plain to even the wayfaring man if he be of the class addressed by the authorthe justified in Christ. (2) It entirely ignores all creeds and theories of men and appeals solely to the Scriptures and treats their testimony as inspired, authoritative, decisiveciting as well as quoting them freely. (3) It is logical as well as Scriptural, and whoever reads without prejudice is sure to be convinced. (4) Those who read and accept the presentations of this volume will not only know what they believe, but why they believe it; and will 'be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in them'which cannot be said even of clergymen respecting the dogmas of the several denominations."