[R3097 : page 319]



Dear Brother:

I drop you a line to inform you that Pilgrim Brother Hay has been here and has done us all good. We held two meetings, one a Bible study and the other a sermon on the resurrection, both of which were instructive and edifying. The meetings were held in the house I occupy. I presume Brother Hay has written you telling you of our meeting.

At present and for the last couple of weeks two Colporteurs are in Belfast canvassing for the Dawns. They report having made satisfactory progress thus far. I do hope they will be successful in finding quite a number of hearing ears. We meet at my home on Sundays, and spend our time in praise, prayer and searching of the Scriptures, thus confirming our faith in the good things of the Kingdom.

I am hoping and trusting that before long others will come into the light of the truth and rejoice with us.

I have received the New Bible cuts or pictures for which I thank you, I did not expect any such addition. The Bible is proving very helpful and I prize it more every day. The friends in the Truth here all desire to be remembered to you in warmest regards.

I am still rejoicing in the love of God and trying day by day to keep in the race toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Your Brother in Christ,


Dear Brother Russell:

I have just returned from a two weeks' trip to Dublin, Belfast, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Middlesboro and Leeds, and last Sunday, London. In every place I met with the same loving feelings of gratitude to God for present truth, and of appreciation of your loving service to the Church. Every church sends you loving greetings, and the assurance that they hope the Lord's providences will permit your visiting this side some day. As I told you once before, so I repeat it that I believe nobody on earth has so many people who love them as yourself, and I voice the expression of all the churches here in my own feelings of gratitude to yourself for your labors for us all. God bless you Brother Russell, and may you to its complete fulness realize the meaning of those words, "For as much as ye have done it to the least of one of these my brethren ye have done it unto me."

I never met with such a reception in my life as the Glasgow Church gave me—15 of them at the station to greet me, and in every hand a "Watch Tower." It is very hard to leave the churches here. My meetings ranged in size from 3 at Middlesboro to 200 at Glasgow. It seems to me that there is a wonderful work going on here. The "wheat" seems coming out far faster than on the American side. I could have found many more little groups to visit had I had the time.

With loving regards to yourself and all the Allegheny household,

Your Brother in Christ,
W. HOPE HAY,—England.

[page 319] Dear Brother Russell:

Greetings! Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today and forever. It is with a sense of deep gratitude of heart that I pen these few lines; the privilege that is imparted to us of constantly feeding upon the meat that is being given us in due season, is so great that we can only say, "What shall we render unto the Lord for all his goodness unto us?" Only do as Paul tells us: "Present your bodies a living sacrifice unto the Lord." The joy of knowing that our eyes have been opened and our ears unstopped; that we should see this wondrous plan of God, is past expressing in words. It is needless to tell you how I appreciate the colporteur work, although somewhat frail in health; it is the heart that God will look at. When I look back upon my past life I see that the paths in which God has led me were, although not always pleasant, good for the forming of the character that is so necessary, for the reaching of the mark for the High Calling. O joy unspeakable when we think upon these things that are so pure and holy and beautiful! What are we that the Lord should be so mindful of us? The only way will be for us to know as much as we can and to be able to give a reasonable answer for the hope that is within us. Once again thanking you and also praising the Lord that through you and your fellow workers we are constantly receiving such splendid instruction, I remain, with Christian love,

Yours in the one hope,
A. FOSTER,—England.