[R3179 : page 118]


ON Friday evening, April 10th, we celebrate the greatest event of this world's history: the death of our Lord Jesus, the Redeemer of Adam and his race from the death sentence of the violated law of God. "Christ our Passover is slain, therefore let us keep the feast...with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." Elsewhere we have explained why this Memorial supersedes the typical Passover lamb, etc., and on the same date annually; and the meaning of the bread as the emblem of our Lord's body, "holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners," and the "cup" as representing his sacrificial death, etc.—See our issue of March 1, 1898.

We earnestly desire that all interested in the divine plan of the ages, trusting in the precious blood and consecrated to the Lord's service,—even unto death—may appreciate the great privilege and blessing of this service;—wherever they may be and however few may be their collective number. Surely nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ our Lord and, likewise, nothing shall hinder us from thus confessing his great work for us and our great reliance upon him and our respect for his words, This do ye [as often as ye do it] in remembrance of me;—annually.

The Allegheny Church cordially invites all of the class described who can make it convenient to celebrate the Memorial with us in the Bible House Chapel at 7:30 p.m. on the date named. However, we urge that so far as possible each little group usually meeting together do so on this occasion,—after the custom of our Lord's time,—each family by itself,—each group of the Lord's children by itself.

We trust for a great blessing upon us all in connection with this service, and are praying for it as one of the things that the Father would be pleased to have us ask for. We hope to hear from the various gatherings by postal card as quickly as possible after the celebration;—the number present and the degree of blessing experienced.
