Our first British General Convention has come and gone! It brought us much joy in the Lord, and left us with a greater desire to "spend and be spent" in the Master's service. With general consent it is acknowledged that the meetings have been the best we have had in this country. But this was according to expectation, for the convention brought together a larger number of friends than has hitherto been the case, and because all should have more of the holy Spirit now than ever before. The predominant feeling was the love of the brethren for each and all, and with it was the appreciation of the grace of God which produced such a grand result. Each of the meetings added its quota to the good derived from the Convention: the Praise and Testimony, and the Colporteurs' and Workers' meetings being specially helpful. Already we have heard of fresh or renewed efforts as a result of these talks with each other. On the Monday morning forty-three brothers and sisters signified by immersion their consecration to the Lord, and their desire to be accounted worthy to suffer with him. It was a most impressive time as we reviewed with each other our privilege of suffering with the Lord, as well as believing on him. And we rejoiced in anticipation of the "glory to follow."
All the meetings were well attended, and there was the usual eagerness to get as much as possible of the food the Lord provided. The largest contingent of friends came from Glasgow, the most distant place represented. Ireland was represented by Bro. Walker, while England was represented by friends from all parts. We were glad to have Bro. Koetitz with us. It was hard to part, but we all realized that the Lord had given a work to our charge, and that the King's message demanded haste. A good proportion of the Colporteurs were with us also, and to these we bade "God-speed," commending them to the grace of God. We felt the shortness of the time, and the coming of the Kingdom for which we work and wait and there was a greater determination to do all possible for the accomplishment of the work committed to the hands of those who know the Lord.
You and your work were specially remembered. We would have been glad to have had you with us, but we shall hope that, in the Lord's providence, you may be permitted and we may be privileged to have you with us in our next convention. The friends desired me to express on their behalf the gratitude they felt towards the Society.