ONE brother, noting our recent call for these Bibles, writes us that if we will issue a new edition he would gladly purchase eight copies. We note the fact, and if 3,000 more were thus wanted we would lose no time in arranging for them. We fear that many have only partially learned the value of the special features of this remarkable work.
For the benefit of new readers we explain that the Bible is printed from the regular Linear Bible plates, showing Common and Revised Versions at once. It has wide margins, in which, aside from the usual references, are special ones which direct to the volume and page of TOWER or DAWNS treating the passage.
Notwithstanding the advance in the cost of paper and leather, we believe that we could duplicate the special prices, too. They were: French Seal, divinity circuit, gold edges, $2.00. Genuine Morocco, " " 3.00.
The matter is with you. We will undertake the labor, etc., if a sufficient number desire the Bibles to make the new edition practicable.