[R3547 : page 125]


DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I have the pleasure herewith to hand you extracts from interesting letters received at the Society's Melbourne office. Accompanying are extracts from two Reviews of MILLENNIAL DAWN Vol. I., which recently appeared in Australian newspapers.

We have been made very glad by the safe arrival at Auckland of Colporteurs Brother and Sister Richardson. They had a very successful three weeks at Honolulu arriving at Auckland without a volume of DAWN in their possession. The arrival of Colporteurs Brother and Sister Nicholson and Brother Zink is expected early in March, D.V. Brother Anderson, who is laboring in Southern New Zealand, reports some interest in and opposition to the Present Truth.

Pray for us, and also that the Lord may send more laborers into the vineyard.

Faithfully yours, in the Anointed,


DEAR FRIEND:—I am enclosing 4s. for a year's subscription to ZION'S WATCH TOWER. I feel I cannot [R3547 : page 126] do without the reading. We never read such beautiful explanations of the Bible; my daughter and I think it wonderful, almost too good to be true, only that we know God is Love, and he doeth all things well.

My daughter said when I was reading to her a bit about the Millennial Age, "Why, mother, you might get your desire after all!" I always desired to be a missionary; since childhood I have wished to tell the heathen about the Love of Jesus. What a privilege that would be; may the Lord help me to be ready for His work.

If I can't keep on paying for the paper, I shall send a card at Christmas. Do not think I don't want to pay for the paper; if I had money, I should pay the people to read it.

Yours in the love of God,
__________, VICTORIA.


DEAR FRIEND:—Please accept thanks for the liberal supply of tracts for distribution, which I shall do my best to place judiciously.

It is about seven months since I first heard of these publications. The first volume of MILLENNIAL DAWN was handed to me by a friend. He said, "Now, George, here's something that will just about suit you, and when you've read it, you can tell me what it means, for I have no time. And here is some lighter reading; you ought to read something lively, for you need a change, but it seems nothing goes down with you but something religious; and if you don't alter you'll become quite mopish." In a few days I returned the light books unread, but I read the DAWN four times, carefully referring to every text quoted therein.

During the last few years I have always denied the doctrine of Eternal Torment, also the teaching that the heathen would all be lost to the Jesus who died for them; but I was quite unable to confute these matters. By some means, my reason disdained to receive such a portrait of God as the various sectarians presented to me; but I could merely affirm that I was unable, nay, that I dare not, believe these doctrines. I was not trusting in any but God, and he caused me to get that volume put into my hands, I am assured.

I have since read volumes 2 and 3, and now have a fuller comprehension of God's Plan, and feel very earnestly that it is my bounden duty to talk of God's Love; to tell of his Kingdom; to lovingly exhort people to brush aside all shadows that would intervene between themselves and the Truth, to verify for themselves all the doctrines advanced in the DAWN series, and the portion of life remaining to me I consecrate to his service, for the enlightenment of any and all such brothers and sisters as I may be thrown into contact with. I am now fully His, and in fellowship with all who believe in His Kingdom. I am, dear Brother,

Yours in the Glad Tidings,
__________, South Australia.


DEAR FRIEND:—I received your welcome letter and the paper some time ago, and should have written before this, only I wished to read the "Plan" first, so as to tell you what I thought of it. I am indeed very glad that it has dropped into my hands, and believe it has come in answer to prayer. I have been studying the Bible deeply for the last three years, and I thank God for the day that I determined to "search the Scriptures." He has blessed me wonderfully. Although I failed in business, and am now totally deaf, God has given me something in this last three years that I would not exchange for the best business in New Zealand, or the best pair of ears in Australia. There are several things in the paper you sent me that are very different from what is generally held in the churches, but which I fully agree with, and I want some more. With kind regards,

Yours and His,
__________, New Zealand.


DEAR FRIEND:—I have much pleasure in sending payment for the valuable and interesting pamphlet you loaned me, and my most sincere thanks added, as well. I must say it not only afforded me much pleasure to read, but opened up new avenues for thought, never before dreamt of. The masterly way in which every subject is handled, one after another, and the proofs brought forward to substantiate the argument, leave the whole matter beyond contradiction.

It grieves me to think that so many to-day ignore the inspiration of the Bible. Most of our colonial youths know nothing at all about it, and the theology that is preached from many of our pulpits does not improve matters much. But I am certain that anyone reading carefully The Divine Plan of the Ages cannot but be impressed by the doctrine contained therein. Please send me the next volume.

Yours faithfully,
__________, New Zealand.


[R3556 : page 126]

DEAR FRIEND:—I tender you special thanks for the volume, MILLENNIAL DAWN, which I have already read, and re-read with intense interest, as it has thrown an entirely new light upon many passages of Scripture which previously were a puzzle and worry to me. I would be very glad to see any subsequent volumes by the same author, and shall be only too happy at any time to give a friendly notice of same through the columns of our paper.

Trusting that the book may be instrumental in removing many of the misconceptions regarding the attributes and plans of our Heavenly Father, I remain,

Yours fraternally,
__________, Editor, New South Wales.


DEAR FRIEND:—I thank you very much for sending me The Divine Plan of the Ages, which I have been studying at intervals ever since it reached me—as I have been endeavoring to read and study my Bible all my thinking years. The work is inestimable; it has opened the eyes of my understanding, and lifted a harrowing weight from my mind. This grand opposite arrangement, and application of the Scriptures texts is far and away before anything of the kind I have ever been privileged to see. The study of them all in their respective and most reasonable connections as now presented dispels the gloom of the stern ascetic Calvinism, in the atmosphere of which I was brought up in Scotland.

Our so-called spiritual advisers in these parts would perhaps be benefitted by the study of this book; for, alas! they don't seem to know too much about the Bible Truths they profess to preach and explain. I have resided here many years, and there seems to be far less fear and love of God in men's hearts now than even in what were termed the wild old times. We are fallen [R3556 : page 127] upon evil days; the age is throbbing with mercenary passion, and grows mad with the lust of gold; men's hearts are failing them for fear. Truly I believe and have believed for years past, that we are fast approaching the close of this dispensation.

And so, may the Lord Jesus come quickly; for with the advent of his chariot wheels and the brightness of his coming, such a rose-light will flush over the world that the tired nations will up-leap with joy.

Yours faithfully,
__________ Editor, New South Wales.

[page 127] [The reviews will appear in our next issue.—EDITOR.]
