Hereafter, to distinguish our own special edition, from other Bibles, we will refer to them as Berean Bibles. They are becoming more and more indispensable to all readers as they learn how to use them. The translation, of course, is not at all different from that of other Bibles of the Common Version. Our peculiar, distinctive feature is the Berean Helps at the back. These consist of:
(1) Biblical Comments from Genesis to Revelation, with references to the SCRIPTURE STUDIES and other of our publications showing the page where the text is more fully discussed and elaborated. We can scarcely imagine anything more helpful than these for Bible study. It is so easy to turn to the reference and ascertain if the matter has been treated and where and how. It represents four hundred and eighty-one pages of matter.
(2) The Instructor's Guide. This is a topical arrangement of Bible subjects specially convenient for those who have opportunity for teaching others the Divine Plan of the Ages. Its various topics are arranged under distinct headings and the various texts bearing upon the subject are collated. With this help a novice has at his command, well-furnished, "the Sword of the Spirit." It is in condensed form, very convenient, and consists of eighteen pages solid matter.
(3) The Berean Topical Index, alphabetically arranged, presents a large variety of subjects showing references to the SCRIPTURE STUDIES and other of our publications treating the same. This feature is comprised in twenty-eight pages.
(4) In this specially difficult texts are brought to the attention and references given showing where they are treated in our publications. Following this is a full list of various interpolations and spurious passages of the Scriptures not in the original MSS., as proven by the oldest Greek MSS.fifteen pages.
These four features, representing five hundred and forty-two pages, are not to be found in any other Bibles on earth and, in our opinion, they are of almost priceless value. One of our interested readers who could not procure another would not sell his copy for a hundred dollarsmany of them, surely, would not take thousands for it.
All of our Berean Bibles contain the above, and some of them, the numbers of which end with a nine, contain additionally Bagster's Bible Study Helps, including an alphabetical index of proper names and Bagster's Bible Concordance and Mapsa total of one hundred and eighty-six pages.
We not only supply these Bibles at cost price, but, because of the large quantities ordered at a time, we are enabled to secure a cost price which is really phenomenal. We are safe in saying that, even aside from our Berean Helps, no Bibles are to be found in the world of such extraordinary values. The price is the same whether the order be for one copy or for more. To save danger of misunderstanding we below quote the prices, including postage. The very low prices must not lead you to think that these are manufactured in any slipshod manner. They are first class in every particular. The prices are, many of them, less than one-half what you pay for such books almost anywhere else.
So great is the demand for these Berean Bibles that hereafter we purpose carrying no others in stock except pocket Bibles and large type Bibles for the aged. We will still, however, be pleased to serve anyone who desires other Bibles. We can procure for these wholesale rates, usually twenty-five per cent. off publishers' catalogue prices, plus postage.
Number 1918, price $1.65, is a beautiful book. It is small and light. Size 4-3/4 x 6-3/4 inches. It has minion type, red under gold edges, divinity circuit, French seal. Looks like the genuine seal skin, but it is in reality good sheepskin.
Number 1919, price $1.75, postpaid; the same book, the same Bible; the same every way except the addition of Bagster Helps, Concordances, etc.
Number 1928, price $2.65. This is the same book exactly as number 1918, except that it has genuine morocco binding; leather-lined.
Number 1939, price, $1.95, postage prepaid. This is the same book as 1919, the same binding and contents, but it has a coarser print and is a little larger book. Size, 5-1/2 x 7-1/2 inches.
Number 1959, price $3.65, postage prepaid. This is the same book as 1939 except that it has splendid morocco binding, is calf-lined and silk-sewed. Bibles similar in quality and finish are listed in many catalogues at $11.
The sale of these books is not restricted to WATCH TOWER readers. They are valuable aids in Bible study, excellent value in every way and open to the public.
We have a good supply of these books in stock now ready for immediate shipment anywhere. Registered at 10c. Remit with order. We can secure such prices only by paying spot cash and must sell on the same terms.
Anyone ordering patent index on any of these Bibles should so state and should add twenty-five cents to the price.