[R5713 : page 191]




For some time I have been wanting to tell you about our wonderful privileges and opportunities in the Harvest; and today when I read your letter in the May 1 WATCH TOWER to the departing members of the Bethel Family—that some of them might enter the Colporteur service—I felt prompted to write, that these and others might be encouraged, and that especially now, in your travels, you might encourage the Colporteurs in their work.

For the last year Sister and I have been making it a specialty to call on the business men in the large office-buildings; and have had very good success. We do not feel that this is due to any great ability on our own part, but that it is all by the Lord's grace and His "ever-present help."

Many dear Colporteurs do not realize what a great privilege they are neglecting when they do not call upon the business men; or, after calling on several they fail to arouse interest and become discouraged, while if they would persevere they would find their efforts crowned with success, just as much or more than in the homes.

We also find that delivering is so much easier among the business men, as we often get orders for several sets in one office, and sometimes for several hundred volumes in one building, all of which are quite sure to be delivered.

Business men, on account of the present financial condition, are becoming more and more awake and are looking for an explanation; besides, hundreds of these men are reading the sermons, have absorbed a great deal of Present Truth, and are anxious to get the books.

Many of us have been timid about entering the large office-buildings, fearing to meet these busy people. By letting them know that we will not be a nuisance to them, detaining them only a few moments, they usually grant us a little time, or tell us when they will be at leisure. It is best to see the Manager of each office before speaking to the employees.

In all the cities there are thousands of stenographers, bookkeepers and professional people, who cannot be reached at their homes, and therefore have never come in contact with the STUDIES. Many of them are earnest Bible students, and we feel it a great privilege to meet these and bring them just the help they need and are often looking for.

While at present sister and I principally are working in the cities, yet we have also had the same experience in the smaller places. Business men in the small towns are even more easily approached, and invariably want the whole set of STUDIES.

We are still rejoicing in the Master's service, and received many rich blessings at the three-day Convention here.

Yours in our Redeemer,